One of the reasons I pursued keynote speaking is because I knew it would mean I would need to drastically improve my communication skills. But I was always baffled at how much speakers can get paid… (it is a very difficult, but lucrative career path) and one of my friends Mel Robbins shared with me the reason – “Vinh, the reason why speakers get paid that amount of money, is because the ability to communicate, inspire and move people is one of the most highly valued skillsets in the world. I want you to imagine… what if you learnt one of the most highly valued skillsets in the world, and you injected it into your professional and personal life… what would it do for you?


0:00 – Intro
0:27 – Why being an “introvert” isn’t your problem
10:01 – How to build rapport without “one-upping” people
13:16 – Changing communication habits without negativity from others
18:31 – The REASON why you should learn communication skills
21:47 – 5 methods to deal with nervousness & shaky voice
30:06 – The ultimate secret to transforming your communication skills
32:47 – My ONE big ask of you!