
Sara Davis

His ability to captivate the audience’s attention and keep them engaged the whole time was incredible, especially considering most of the audience was probably exhausted from three days of hard conferencing in New Orleans. The standing ovation he received at the end was well-deserved. Not to mention, the guy is just really ​f​unny and an absolute pleasure to work with.

Matt Afflixio

Oh boy, did you rock that crowd. It’s hard to find someone who can completely relate to an accounting audience. But you did and then blew their socks off. On behalf at everyone at QuickBooks Connect – thank you. I knew you were going to be good – but you took it from here to here (imagine my hand going from my waist to the top of Mount Everest). You were funny, passionate, entertaining and engaging. Most of all I loved your generosity. Not only did you give us your time on stage, but you engaged with so many people behind the scenes

Mas Tadesse

Vinh Giang was gracious, kind and really “wowed” our audience. It was excellent. From the point of arrival to his departure he was so incredibly enthusiastic and presentation resonated with the audience. He had a 30+ minute meaningful conversation with approximately 1/3 of the group afterward.

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